Digital Sales Success: Your Guide to Getting More Leads, Conversions, & Profits

Joe Paranteau
February 26, 2024

Ready to finally crush your sales goals? Whether you’re totally new to digital sales or feel stuck in the old-school grind, this is your roadmap. Forget those outdated “online OR in-person” debates. Success in 2024 means blending the best of both worlds, and I’m going to show you exactly how. I’ll share the tools, the mindset shifts, and the strategies I’ve used to help sales professionals and teams adapt and thrive in the digital age.

Struggling to get prospects to even respond? Wish your marketing and sales teams worked together like a well-oiled machine? Want the inside scoop on what tools are worth the money, and which ones to skip? You’re in the right place.

Ready to conquer digital sales? Let’s get started.

Ready to Conquer Digital Sales? Start Here..

the digital sales evolution

Digital sales isn’t some weird new thing. It IS how business gets done. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, let’s get the basics nailed down so you can build on a solid foundation.

Understanding Digital Sales

Look, I get it. Change is hard, especially when you’ve already got a system that kinda-sorta works. But here’s the thing about digital sales: it’s not about throwing out everything you know. It’s about upgrading your toolbox, so you can reach more customers, close deals faster, and honestly, make your sales life a little easier. Sound good? Let’s dive into those new tools…

How Does My Job Change in Digital Sales?

anxious sales person wonder how her sales job will change

Okay, first things first: your core skills are still essential. Closing deals, building relationships, that’s not going away. But digital sales does bring some awesome new superpowers to your job. Think of them like this:

    • The Mind Reader: No, not literally. But with the right tools, you get way more insight into what your prospects REALLY need, not just what they say. This makes your pitches way more effective.

    • The Time Saver: Less time on busywork = more time for actually selling. Automation can handle the boring stuff, that’s a win.

    • The Team Player: Gone are the days of info silos. With digital sales, you and your teammates become an unstoppable force…if you use the tools right.

Sound good? It gets even better. But you DO need to level up a few skills to fully take advantage.

Don’t worry, it’s not rocket science. We’ll cover the essentials, and the cool thing is, these new skills make you even more valuable. It’s a win-win! Ready to dive in?

The Importance of a Solid Digital Sales Strategy

Think of your digital sales strategy as your GPS for success. Without it, you’re just taking random turns, hoping to eventually stumble onto your destination. A good strategy gets everyone – digital sales efforts,, marketing, even customer support – all synced up, driving towards the same finish line.

Here’s why this should be your #1 priority:

    • Quit Wasting Time: A clear strategy tells you exactly where to put your energy to get the best results. No more spinning your wheels on stuff that doesn’t move the needle.

    • Make Your Case for Cash: When you can prove what’s working, it’s way easier to get the budget you need to invest in the right tools and training.

    • Unleash Team Awesome: When everyone’s on the same page, with the same info, that’s when you go from a bunch of individuals to a well-oiled sales machine.

Ready to see those results skyrocket? Let’s build a strategy that’ll actually get used, not just sit on a shelf gathering dust.

sales plan gathering dust

Developing a Digital Sales Methodology

Forget that boring old sales “funnel.” Think of your digital sales process as an epic treasure hunt! Each step brings you closer to finding those hidden gems – the qualified leads who are ready and eager to buy. But this isn’t some random treasure map. To win, you need the right strategy…let’s break it down!

Lead Generation and Qualification

lead generation

Step 1: Getting on the Radar

This is where those content marketing tactics shine! But hold on, matey – it’s not just about churning out any old content. You need the RIGHT treasure to lure in those top-tier leads:

    • Solve their problems: What keeps your ideal customer up at night, tossing and turning? Answer those questions with helpful blog posts, videos, and more. Become their trusted guide.

    • Spark that curiosity: Think of those PPC ads and social posts as shiny coins on the beach, not the whole buried chest. Tease them with value, and they’ll be eager to dig deeper.

    • Showcase those happy pirates: Satisfied customers are your best recruiters. Make it easy for them to sing your praises online, and watch the leads roll in.

Step 2: Is This a Real Treasure?

X marks the spot, but is it fool’s gold? Lead generation is awesome, but not all leads are ready to set sail with you. This is where qualification saves you precious time. Are they a good fit for what you offer? Do they have the means to buy? The right tools (and the right questions) make this a whole lot easier.

Why This Matters to YOU:

    • Less time chasing seagulls: Focus on the leads most likely to say “yes”, and spend less time on those who’ll never leave the shore.

    • Build your legendary status: Become known as the expert who solves problems, not the pushy salesperson trying to sell anything to anyone.

Ready to draw your map? Let’s get strategic about the content and tools that will fill your hold with treasure!

Nurturing Relationships Online

Think of online relationship building as creating loyal fans, not just one-time buyers. It’s about making them feel valued long before and after they sign on the dotted line. Here’s how to do it right:

    • Personalize the Journey: Generic content is like buried treasure no one can find. Tailor your outreach to their specific needs and interests.

    • Mix Online and Offline: Digital tools are amazing, but sometimes a surprise gift or handwritten note goes the extra mile in building that relationship.

    • Become the Go-To Expert: By sharing valuable insights on social media, answering questions, and genuinely engaging with your audience, you become the trusted authority they turn to for solutions.

Why This Matters to YOU: Happy, loyal customers are your most valuable treasure. They’ll buy more, refer their friends, and become your biggest advocates.

Closing Deals Digitally

Okay, building those relationships is where the magic happens in an effective digital sales model. This isn’t about blasting out generic emails and hoping for the best. It’s about making your prospects feel like you truly understand their needs (because you do!). Here’s a few ways to make that happen:

    • Make it Personal: Nobody wants to feel like a generic target. Use their name, reference past conversations, and show them you genuinely understand their specific needs.

    • Give to Get: A well-timed freebie (ebook, exclusive webinar, etc.) proves you’re invested in their success, not just their cash. Bonus points if it directly reinforces the value of your product/service.

    • Reward the Loyal: Those happy customers? Make them feel like the VIPs they are! Special discounts, early access to deals…this builds long-term loyalty and advocacy.

    • Be a Social Star: Don’t just broadcast at your audience, truly engage! Answer questions, be helpful, and let your brand’s personality shine. This builds the kind of trust that leads to sales.

    • The Grand Finale: By the time you get to that sales pitch, they should already feel like they know, like, and trust you. That makes sealing the deal a whole lot smoother!

By the time you get to that sales pitch, they should feel like they already know and like you. That makes closing the deal SO much easier.

Leveraging Digital Tools for Sales Success

Utilizing CRM systems for digital sales

Time to seal the deal! All that relationship-building pays off now. Remember, it’s not about outdated sales tricks, it’s about making it clear you’ve got the solution they need. Here’s your closing checklist:

    • Problem-Solver, Not Pusher: Remind them of that pain point they’ve been struggling with. Then, position your product/service as the perfect fix.

    • Make the “YES” Obvious: Confusing pricing? Hard-to-find contracts? Remove those roadblocks. The easier it is for them to buy, the more likely they will.

    • Anticipate Objections: What’s holding them back? Price, timeline, etc.? Have answers at the ready, so concerns don’t turn into deal-breakers.

    • The Follow-Through FTW: Don’t ghost them after they sign! Smooth onboarding, quick responses to questions…this builds the long-term loyalty that means repeat business and referrals.

The Confidence Boost: You’ve earned their trust by this stage. Now, close that deal with conviction, not desperation. They should feel like they’d be missing out by NOT working with you.

Ready to see those win rates skyrocket? A few tweaks to your closing process can make all the difference.

CRM Systems: Your Digital Sales Hub

Think of your CRM as your mission control. It’s not just a place to dump contacts, it’s the tool that keeps you organized, informed, and supercharged when selling online. Here’s why it’s your new best friend:

    • Never Forget a Thing: Missed follow-ups kill deals. Your CRM reminds you who to contact and when. More importantly, it stores those key details (last conversation, pain points, etc.) so you’re not starting from scratch every time.

    • Data is Your Decoder Ring: Your CRM tracks way more than just sales numbers. What content are prospects engaging with? When are they most active online? These insights help you tailor your pitch perfectly.

    • Time Thief No More: Automation is a lifesaver. Data entry, follow-up emails…let the CRM handle the boring stuff so you can focus on building those relationships.

But here’s the deal: a CRM is only as good as what you put into it. Take the time to log those notes, track those leads, and it will pay you back tenfold.

Ready to supercharge your selling? Let’s talk about getting back the most precious thing you have: time. Automation and AI are the secret weapons that make it happen. Instead of wasting hours on busywork, you’ll be closing deals faster than ever

Automation and AI: Your Time-Saving Superpowers

Let’s be honest: no one got into sales to do data entry or send repetitive emails. That’s where automation and AI come to the rescue. They let you focus on what you do best – building those relationships and closing deals – while the tech handles the grunt work.

So, what can these tools actually DO for you? Think along these lines:

    • The Lead Magnet: Automate those initial outreach tasks, so you’re filling your pipeline without the endless cold calls.

    • The Insight Engine: AI can analyze way more data, way faster, than you ever could alone. This spots trends and reveals hidden opportunities you’d miss otherwise.

    • The Virtual Assistant: Chatbots aren’t just for websites anymore. They can handle basic questions, schedule appointments…freeing YOU up for those high-value conversations.

More time closing, less time clicking. That’s the automation dream, and it’s totally achievable. Ready to dive deeper?

It’s not just about the tech itself, but how to use it strategically in your digital selling.

Picking the Right Tools

Okay, let’s get real. There’s a LOT of sales automation and AI tools out there. Some are awesome, some are…not so much. The key isn’t just grabbing whatever’s flashy, it’s finding what actually works for YOUR workflow.

Here’s a starting checklist:

    • What Hurts the Most? Where do you waste the most time on tedious tasks? Start with automating those for quick wins.

    • Talk to Your CRM: Does the tool integrate well with your current system? If not, it’s more trouble than it’s worth.

    • Ease of Use: If it takes a rocket scientist to figure out, your team won’t use it. Look for intuitive tools with great training resources.

Don’t Worry, You Don’t Need a PhD

AI might sound scary, but a lot of the best tools are surprisingly user-friendly.

The goal is to make your life easier, not more complicated! That means not just blindly implementing tools, but actually seeing if they get results. Analytics might sound boring, but they’re your key to finding what works and ditching what doesn’t. Let’s break it down into simple steps.

Analytics: Measuring and Optimizing Performance

Forget Vanity Metrics: We’re not here to impress anyone with fancy charts. We want data that actually helps you close more deals. A few key reports make a huge difference in knowing which leads are worth your time and which ones aren’t.

Why Analytics Matter to YOU

Picture this: instead of blindly chasing every lead, you have X-ray vision. Analytics let you see which prospects are most likely to convert, which marketing efforts are paying off, and where your process might need tweaks. This means…

    • More Wins, Less Wasted Effort: Focus on the right opportunities, not just the loudest ones.

    • Become the Problem-Solver: Data shows you the common pain points your customers have. Tailor your pitch to match, and your close rate soars.

    • No More Guessing Games: Did that email campaign actually work? Analytics give you a clear answer, so you can double down on what’s successful.

Let’s talk about the specific metrics that matter most…

What Metrics Matter Most (and Why They Should Matter to YOU)

Don’t get overwhelmed by endless data points. Let’s focus on the metrics that give you real power:

Metric #1: Conversion Rates

    • What It Is: The percentage of leads who actually turn into paying customers. This can be tracked at each stage of your process too (lead to qualified lead, qualified lead to close, etc).

    • Why You Care: This tells you if your lead gen efforts are paying off, and where the drop-offs in your sales process are happening.

Metric #2: Sales Cycle Length

    • What It Is: How long it takes, on average, to close a deal from start to finish.

    • Why You Care: Shorter cycles mean faster revenue. Understanding this helps you spot bottlenecks that might be costing you money.

Metric #3: Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC)

    • What It Is: How much it costs you to acquire a new customer (marketing spend, sales salaries, etc.).

    • Why You Care: This has to be less than the revenue that customer brings in long-term for your business to be profitable! Knowing this number helps guide your spending and strategy.

Metric #4: Win Rate

    • What It Is: Percentage of deals you close compared to those you pursue.

    • Why You Care: Low win rate? It means you’re wasting time on the wrong leads or your pitch needs work. High win rate means you’re a rockstar!

The “Depends on Your Business” Metrics

These can also be crucial, depending on your sales model:

    • Website/Social Media Traffic: If leads start online, these numbers are key to understanding where to focus your efforts.

    • Referral Rates: Happy customers = your best marketing tool. Track to see which referral sources are most valuable.

    • Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): For repeat business models, this is essential for making smart decisions about how much to spend acquiring each customer.

Should My Sales & Marketing Teams Be Working Closer Together?

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Historically, sales and marketing haven’t always been the best of friends in businesses. But in the digital world, thinking in those silos is a recipe for missed opportunities.

Think of it like this: marketing is casting a wide net, attracting those initial leads, and building brand awareness. Sales is reeling those leads in and closing the deal. Without close teamwork, the leads aren’t the right fit, messages get mixed, and everyone gets frustrated.

When it works well, your own sales reps and marketing teams become an unstoppable force. Imagine having insights into what content your ideal customers actually engage with, so your outreach is highly targeted. Or, imagine marketing getting real-time feedback on pain points from your sales calls, so they can create content that speaks directly to those needs.

That’s the power of alignment. So how do you make it happen? A lot of it comes down to communication, shared goals, and (you guessed it!) the right tools. But there’s one piece of the puzzle that’s absolutely essential…great content marketing. Let’s dive into why that matters so much.

Content Marketing: Your Lead Generation Powerhouse

Content marketing for digital sales lead generation

Remember when we talked about finding those hidden gems – the leads most likely to say “yes”? That’s where content marketing shines.

It’s not just about churning out blog posts or videos for the sake of it. Strategic content marketing lets you get into your ideal customer’s head. What problems are keeping them up at night? What are their hopes and dreams related to your product/service? By creating content that answers those questions, you build trust before they even pick up the phone.

Here’s the magic: this type of content attracts the RIGHT kind of leads. The ones who are already interested in what you offer, not just random clicks. This saves your sales team tons of time, meaning they can close more deals, faster.

But where does this content live? How do people even find it? That’s where social media comes into play…

Social Media: Your Tool for Both Attraction and Conversion

Think of social media as your digital storefront. It’s where you build your brand’s personality, connect with potential customers directly, AND turn those connections into actual sales.

Just like your website or a brick-and-mortar store, the right social strategy makes people want to walk through that virtual door. Here’s what it can do for you:

Attract New Eyes: With billions of users on the major platforms, you’re casting that wide net we talked about earlier. Targeted ads and engaging content bring the right target audience back to you.

Build Trust, Not Just Buzz: Social media lets you have real conversations, not just shout at your prospects. This builds the kind of loyalty that leads to sales.

But here’s where it gets really interesting. Social media isn’t just about top-of-the-funnel stuff. The data you get from those interactions – what people click on, share, and comment on – is pure gold for your sales team. That brings us to…

Data-Driven Insights: Your Secret Weapon for Smarter Selling

Remember how we talked about sales and marketing needing to be BFFs? Data is what makes that friendship work. Instead of each team operating off their own assumptions about customers, you get a 360-degree view of the whole buyer’s journey journey.

Think of it like this: marketing sees the big picture trends – what content gets the most clicks, which offers generate leads, etc. But sales is on the front lines, having those one-on-one conversations. Combining those insights is pure magic. Here’s how it empowers YOU:

    • Pitch with Precision: Data reveals not just the common pain points of your ideal customer, but how they like to be communicated with. Do they love webinars, or prefer ebooks? This lets you tailor your outreach perfectly.

    • Spot Hidden Opportunities: Maybe a certain blog post is secretly generating highly qualified leads. Marketing can double down on similar content, filling your pipeline.

    • No More Cold Calls of Doom: Data can even predict which leads are most likely to convert. This means more hot leads for you, and less time wasted on dead ends.

That’s the power of data-driven sales. Data + People = Profit: Do you understand both the industry stats AND the individual stories behind the numbers? That’s how you spot trends AND outliers. Now, how do you actually put this knowledge to use for building those lasting customer relationships…?

Building Sustainable Customer Relationships in the Digital Age

In today’s world, it’s not enough to just close the sale. Customers expect to feel valued long after they’ve signed the contract. Those long-lasting relationships are what lead to repeat business, referrals, and the kind of raving fans that become your unpaid marketing team.

But here’s the challenge: how do you provide that personal touch, even as your business grows? That’s where the right digital tools and sales strategies help you scale those sales efforts, without sacrificing the human connection.

Think of it like this: customers want to be treated like individuals, not just another number in your database. They crave convenient self-service options for simple questions, but still want expert guidance from a real person for the big stuff. Here’s how to strike that balance…

Personalization at Scale: Making Every Customer Feel Special

Let’s face it, generic emails and one-size-fits-all offers don’t cut it anymore. Customers expect you to know their preferences, their past purchases, and their pain points. The good news is, personalization is easier than ever with the right tools.

Here’s why it matters for YOU:

    • Happy Customers = More Sales: When people feel understood, they’re more likely to buy, and buy again.

    • Targeted Outreach: Instead of blasting out generic content, personalized recommendations mean the RIGHT offers land in front of the RIGHT people.

    • The CLV Factor: Knowing how much a customer is worth over time lets you make smart decisions about how much to invest in acquiring them and nurturing that relationship.

But personalization isn’t just about the transaction. It’s also about building a sense of belonging. That’s where community engagement comes in…

Community Engagement: Turning Customers into Superfans

Think of your online community as your digital VIP lounge. It’s a place where your most loyal customers gather, share experiences, and become the ones shouting your praises from the rooftops. This kind of social proof is pure marketing gold – way more powerful than any ad campaign you could dream up.

Plus, your community becomes a goldmine of honest feedback. What do your customers love about your product? What could be better? These insights help you constantly improve, which translates to more sales down the road.

But here’s the thing: a thriving community isn’t something that just happens on its own. It requires active engagement, making those members feel valued, and offering something beyond just pushing your latest sale. Do that right, and you won’t just see customers returning again and again, they’ll bring their friends along for the ride too.

Speaking of keeping those customers happy, let’s talk about what happens AFTER the sale is made…

Post-Sale Support and Service: Keeping Those Customers Happy

Remember, closing the deal isn’t the end of the customer journey – it’s just the beginning! Providing top-notch after-sale support is what turns one-time buyers into lifelong fans. Luckily, automation makes this way easier than before. From simple FAQ pages to AI-powered chatbots, your customers can get the help they need quickly and easily.

And hey, we all make mistakes. The way you handle those inevitable hiccups can actually make a customer even more loyal. Own up to errors quickly, go above and beyond to fix them, and you might be surprised by how much goodwill it generates.

This commitment to amazing customer experiences is a key part of what sets successful digital sales teams apart from the old-school, “close the deal and forget ’em” mentality. Let’s talk about how you can master those skills and thrive in this new digital sales strategies landscape.

Transitioning from Traditional Sales to Digital Mastery

Okay, time for a reality check. If you’ve been in sales for a while, there’s a good chance you’ve got some old-school habits that aren’t serving you as well in the digital world. But don’t worry, that doesn’t mean starting from scratch!

The key is being willing to evolve. Learning new digital selling tools yourself, understanding how customers behave online…this is all part of staying ahead of the curve. Think of it as adding to your sales toolkit, not replacing everything you already know.

Here’s the good news: you don’t have to overhaul everything overnight. Start by taking an honest look at your current process. Where are the pain points? Are there tasks that could easily be automated? Focus on small wins that make a big difference, then gradually layer on more complex digital strategies.

Ready to give your sales skills a digital upgrade? Let’s start by pinpointing the areas where a little change would have the biggest impact…

Assessing Current Sales Practices: Finding Your Digital Upgrade Opportunities

Before you dive headfirst into all the shiny new sales tech, it’s wise to take a step back. Let’s map out your current sales process in detail. This is where you’ll spot those bottlenecks that are slowing you down, or missed opportunities where a simple digital tool could save you tons of time.

Here are a few things to look for:

    • The Time Sucks: Are there repetitive tasks eating up your hours? These are prime candidates for automation.

    • Where the Drop-Offs Happen: Do leads stall out at a certain stage? That’s a sign you need a different approach.

    • Doing It Their Way: How do customers prefer to communicate? If you’re still relying on phone calls when they want to self-serve online, you’re missing out on potential sales.

Think of it like a competitive analysis, but instead of comparing yourself to others, you’re comparing your current process to its ideal digital-savvy self. This is where you pinpoint those areas where targeted training and new tools will have the biggest impact.

Ready to level up your sales skills?

Training and Development: Your Digital Sales Superpower

The shift to digital sales isn’t just about the tech itself, it’s about unlocking a whole new set of skills. Think of it like this: if cold calling is your trusty hammer, then learning about digital marketing strategies gives you a complete construction toolbelt.

The best part? A lot of these digital skills can be learned quickly and immediately applied to your day-to-day sales. We’re talking seeing results right away, which is super motivating. Here’s what a good training program should cover:

    • Master the Tech: Get comfortable with the essential tools, from your CRM to social media analytics.

    • The Art of the Digital Pitch: Learn the nuances of selling in a virtual setting.

But it doesn’t stop there! The digital landscape is always changing, so it’s important to find a training program that emphasizes ongoing learning.

Now, once you’ve got these new skills, where do you actually deploy them? That’s where understanding those different digital platforms and channels comes in…

Integrating Digital Channels: Meet Your Customers Where They Are

The key here isn’t just being on every digital platform imaginable, it’s being on the RIGHT ones. Where do your ideal customers hang out online? What social networks and services are they most active on? Do they prefer email, or live chat? Understanding this lets you focus your energy where it has the most impact.

It’s also about making the customer journey seamless. Maybe someone starts by researching your product on social media, then reaches out via your website’s chatbot, and then has a call with a sales rep to close the deal. That whole experience should feel unified, no matter what channel they use.

The good news is, there are digital tools out there for every budget and every need. It’s more about finding that perfect fit for YOUR business than just spending a ton of money.

So, as we start to wrap things up, let’s recap some of the key takeaways from everything we’ve covered…

Summary: Your Digital Sales Success Roadmap

Ready to transform your sales results in 2024? This is your guide. We’ve covered the mindset shifts, tools, and strategies you need to thrive in the digital age. But knowledge without action is useless, so let’s recap the key takeaways and turn them into your success plan:

    • Embrace the Blend: The best sales pros use a mix of digital and traditional tactics. Don’t ditch what works, upgrade it!

    • Customer is King: Understanding your ideal customer’s online behavior is the key to finding and converting them. Data is your secret weapon here.

    • Personalize at Scale: Generic = boring. Use technology to make every interaction feel tailor-made. This builds loyalty and boosts sales.

    • Community is Your Superpower: Turn happy customers into raving fans who spread the word for you. This is more powerful than any ad.

    • Automate the Boring Stuff: Stop wasting time on mindless tasks. Let tech handle the grunt work, so you focus on building relationships.

    • Never Stop Learning: The digital world changes fast. Commit to ongoing training to stay on the cutting edge.

Your Action Plan:

    1. Analyze Your Process: Where are your bottlenecks and pain points? Target those for a digital upgrade.
    2. Get the Right Tools: Do your research, and choose tools that integrate well with what you already use.
    3. Focus on a Few Key Metrics: Don’t obsess over vanity metrics. Track the numbers that actually impact your bottom line.

Ready to see your win rates soar? Implementing even a few of these strategies will make a major difference. If you need help figuring out where to start, let’s get on a call and customize a plan for your specific business.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is digital sales a good career?

Absolutely! It offers flexibility, growth potential, and the chance to constantly learn new skills.

What exactly is digital selling?

It's using online tools (email, social media, your company website, etc.) to find, connect with, and ultimately sell to potential customers.

What's the difference between digital sales and traditional sales?

Digital sales primarily happens online, rather than in-person. This means mastering new tools and understanding how consumers and customers interact differently in a virtual space.

How can I make digital sales interactions more engaging?

  • Be responsive: Answer questions quickly, through the channels your customers prefer.
  • Use data: Learn your customers' pain points, and tailor your pitches to offer solutions.
  • Personalize: Don't just blast out generic content, speak directly to each prospect's needs.

Why do I need a solid digital sales strategy?

A clear strategy keeps you focused, helps you measure success, and makes it easier to get buy-in for the resources you need to grow.

Joe Paranteau: B2B Sales Transformation Expert

Joe Paranteau

Joe Paranteau is a B2B sales powerhouse with an award-winning track record. He's spent decades in the tech world, driving major growth for giants like Microsoft and Oracle. But Joe's not just about theory – his strategies are battle-tested and supported by science. He's on a mission to help B2B sales teams crush their goals. Expect engaging content, inspiring keynotes, and the kind of hands-on coaching that fuels results. Ready to level up your sales game? Joe's your guy.


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